Hace un tiempo, propuse hacer una bicicleteada desde Salta hasta Cafayate, unos 200 km. Recibí muchos comentarios de todos tipo, desde los más negativos (yo paso) pasando por los neutrales (lo pensaré, pero me tengo que entrenar) y los positivos (seguro, ¿cuándo es?). Por supuesto que la mayoría de los comentarios fueron neutrales y negativos, así que me decepcioné un poco.
Para mi sorpresa, alguno de los que respondieron positivamente han empezado a tomárselo bien en serio y ya están entrenándose, y hasta hay una fecha inclusive. También, por una cuestión de seguridad y precaución (ya que 200km no es una distancia corta), ellos decidieron partir desde Coronel Moldes, acortando el camino en unos 90km, y evitando para parte más transitada de la ruta.
Por lo tanto, lo voy a hacer, acompañado de más o menos 10 personas. Así que si sos uno de los negativos, o no te has hecho la idea todavía, empezá a entrenarte como yo lo haré. Estoy seguro que lo pasaremos bien y vamos a disfrutarlo!
¿Cuándo? Sábado, 13 de enero de 2008.
¿Dónde? Coronel Moldes.
Todavía podemos arreglar cómo llegar allí, y muchos otros detalles, comentando este post, por email, por teléfono o personalmente. No importa, cómo el punto es hacerlo. Aquí les dejo unas fotos que encontré el flickr (cliqueá sobre ellas para ver más) de gente haciéndolo. Espero verlos por allá corriendo juntos!!
Actualización (8/12): Obviamente, aún no es claro si lo vamos a lograr. Lo que es seguro es que vamos a tener un equipo de apoyo (o socorro), que si no llegamos al destino, ellos van a hacer la ruta en sentido inverso hasta que nos encuentren :) (espero que vivos!). Y vamos a tener algunos mates a la llegada. También, la estadía en Cafayate y la vuelta no están claros. En el peor de los casos, podemos quedarnos en un camping y volver el día siguiente en colectivo (o en bicicleta, quién sabe). Sugerencias son bienvenidas.
A time ago, I proposed to do a cycling tour from Salta to Cafayate, about 200km. I got comments of all kinds, from negative opinions (I pass) going to neutral (I'll think about it, I have to train for sure) and rather positive ones (sure, when is it?). Of course most of comments were both neutral and negative, so I felt a bit disappointed.
For my surprise, some of the positive answerers have start taking it very seriously and they are already training for the challenge, and there is indeed a date scheduled. Also, for a matter of safety and precaution (as 200km is not a short distance), they decided to departure from Coronel Moldes, shortening the total path for 90km, and avoiding the busiest part of the road.
Therefore, I'm going to do it, accompanied by more or less 10 more people! So, if you were one of the negative cyclers or didn't make your mind yet, start training as I will do! I'm sure we will have a very nice trip and enjoy a lot!!
When? Saturday, January 13th, 2008.
Where? Coronel Moldes
We can still arrange how to get there, and many other details by commenting this post, by email, by phone, or personally. It doesn't matter how, the point is doing it! Here there some pictures I've found in flickr (click on them to see more) of people doing it. I look forward to seeing you there!
Update (8/12): Obviously, it is still not clear if we will make it. What is sure is that we will have a support team keeping track of our movements, if we don't show up at the final destination, they will do the path in the inverse direction until they find us :) (I hope alive!). And we will have mates at the final destination. Also, staying in Cafayate and the way back is not clear how will be done. In the worst case, we can stay in a camping site and come back by bus (or cycling, who knows!). Suggestions are welcome!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Un poquitito irresponsable = A little bit irresponsible
En general, no soy de incluir en este blog las noticias que leo, pero esta me generó una mezcla de risa con bronca, una sensación extraña...
Generally, I don't include news that I read, but this one particularly caught my attention, and generated on me a mixture of sensations, between laugh and angriness...
Es increíble la falta de límites con las resposabilidades de uno.
It's incredible the lack of limits to the responsibility.
Generally, I don't include news that I read, but this one particularly caught my attention, and generated on me a mixture of sensations, between laugh and angriness...
Es increíble la falta de límites con las resposabilidades de uno.
It's incredible the lack of limits to the responsibility.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Una escapadita = A getaway (2)
Hace un par de semanas me dí cuenta que aún tenía 1½ días de vacaciones, así que pensé que nada mejor que gastarlos. Así lo hice, y me fui a Granada para 'devolverles' la visita a mis primos. Este un resumen de lo que hicimos:
En la noche del viernes salimos de tapas.
A couple of weeks ago I realized I still had 1½ days of vacations, so I thought it could be a good idea to spend them. So did I, I went to Granada to 'reimburse' a visit to my relatives. This is a kind of report of what we did:
On Friday evening we went out for tapas.
El sábado, caminamos en el casco céntrico y visitamos museos y la catedral. En la tarde, un almuerzo bien fuerte, seguido de una visita a la cumbre de la Sierra Nevada. En la noche, no había más energía para seguir de joda, así que el cansancio decidió que era mejor descansar. Queda pendiente conocer la noche granadina.
On Saturday, walked around the downtown and visit some musea and the cathedral. In the afternoon, a huge lunch, followed by a visit to the top of the Sierra Nevada. In the evening, there was no energy to continue hanging out, so our tiredness decided it was better to have rest. It is pending for me to know the night-life in Granada.
No fue una lástima, porque el domingo temprano salimos a dar una vuelta por las Alpujarras. Es una serie de pueblitos a la orilla sur de la Sierra Nevada. Obviamente un camino no muy recto nos llevó a los pueblos, donde tuvimos un almuerzo típico allí arriba, y puedo decir que las vistas panorámicas son inceríblemente espectaculares. De nuevo abajo en Granada, hicimos una visita flash a algunos familiares, y volvimos a casa de mis tíos a continuar con una charla muy agradable que duró durante todo el fin de semana.
It wasn't a shame, because of Sunday early we went to a round trip to the Alpujarras. This consists of a series of small villages arranged on the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada. Obviously, a not-so-straight path brought us to the villages, we have a typical lunch up there, and I can say that the sightseeing is incredibly beautiful. Down in Granada, we made a flash visit to some relatives, and go back my cousin's home to continue a very pleasant chat all through the weekend.
El lunes, como todo el mundo tiene que trabajar, junto a mi tía hicimos unas compras en la mañana y luego partí a Málaga, donde luego de una caminata de 2 horas fuí al aeropuerto a tomar mi vuelo de vuelta a Holanda. Casualmente encontré otros chavones que también venían a Eindhoven, y experienciamos la aventura de casi perder el último tren.
En resumen, con mis primos y tíos la pasé de 11, muchas gracias por su compañía, buena onda y calidez. Y ahora, me deben una visita aquí abajo, ¡eh!
¡Ah!, a propósito, llovió justo el día después que me vine }:D
On Monday, as everyone has to work, together with my aunt, we did some shopping in the morning, and later I departured to Málaga, where after a 2-hour wander I went to the airport to take my flight back down to Holland. Casually, I met some other guys also coming to Eindhoven, and we experienced the adventure of almost missing the last train.
Overall, with my relatives I enjoyed quite a lot, thanks to them for their companion, kindness and warmness. And now, you owe me a visit down here!
BTW, it rained the day after I came back :D
En la noche del viernes salimos de tapas.
A couple of weeks ago I realized I still had 1½ days of vacations, so I thought it could be a good idea to spend them. So did I, I went to Granada to 'reimburse' a visit to my relatives. This is a kind of report of what we did:
On Friday evening we went out for tapas.
El sábado, caminamos en el casco céntrico y visitamos museos y la catedral. En la tarde, un almuerzo bien fuerte, seguido de una visita a la cumbre de la Sierra Nevada. En la noche, no había más energía para seguir de joda, así que el cansancio decidió que era mejor descansar. Queda pendiente conocer la noche granadina.
On Saturday, walked around the downtown and visit some musea and the cathedral. In the afternoon, a huge lunch, followed by a visit to the top of the Sierra Nevada. In the evening, there was no energy to continue hanging out, so our tiredness decided it was better to have rest. It is pending for me to know the night-life in Granada.
No fue una lástima, porque el domingo temprano salimos a dar una vuelta por las Alpujarras. Es una serie de pueblitos a la orilla sur de la Sierra Nevada. Obviamente un camino no muy recto nos llevó a los pueblos, donde tuvimos un almuerzo típico allí arriba, y puedo decir que las vistas panorámicas son inceríblemente espectaculares. De nuevo abajo en Granada, hicimos una visita flash a algunos familiares, y volvimos a casa de mis tíos a continuar con una charla muy agradable que duró durante todo el fin de semana.
It wasn't a shame, because of Sunday early we went to a round trip to the Alpujarras. This consists of a series of small villages arranged on the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada. Obviously, a not-so-straight path brought us to the villages, we have a typical lunch up there, and I can say that the sightseeing is incredibly beautiful. Down in Granada, we made a flash visit to some relatives, and go back my cousin's home to continue a very pleasant chat all through the weekend.
El lunes, como todo el mundo tiene que trabajar, junto a mi tía hicimos unas compras en la mañana y luego partí a Málaga, donde luego de una caminata de 2 horas fuí al aeropuerto a tomar mi vuelo de vuelta a Holanda. Casualmente encontré otros chavones que también venían a Eindhoven, y experienciamos la aventura de casi perder el último tren.
En resumen, con mis primos y tíos la pasé de 11, muchas gracias por su compañía, buena onda y calidez. Y ahora, me deben una visita aquí abajo, ¡eh!
¡Ah!, a propósito, llovió justo el día después que me vine }:D
On Monday, as everyone has to work, together with my aunt, we did some shopping in the morning, and later I departured to Málaga, where after a 2-hour wander I went to the airport to take my flight back down to Holland. Casually, I met some other guys also coming to Eindhoven, and we experienced the adventure of almost missing the last train.
Overall, with my relatives I enjoyed quite a lot, thanks to them for their companion, kindness and warmness. And now, you owe me a visit down here!
BTW, it rained the day after I came back :D
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Un banco de arte = An art bank
Hace un tiempo intercambiamos oficinas para estar cerca del grupo de códigos y criptografía de la universidad. Toda esta mudanza significó mover todo el mobiliario de las oficinas. Por supuesto que los ex-ocupantes de mi actual oficina se llevaron todo con ellos: cuadros en la pared, una planta y hasta creo que un par de pizarras. El punto es que la pared de mi oficina quedó llena de agujeros como si hubiera sido baleada.
Mi colega y yo no nos preocupamos mucho en la decoración, ya que nos sentíamos bien, tan pronto como pudiéramos trabajar tranquilamente. Sin embargo, más de una vez tuve que ver las caras de la gente viniendo a mi oficina como diciendo que 'esos agujeros no se ven bien'. Luego de hacer este comentario a una colega, ella me dijo que podríamos decorar un poco la oficina pidiendo prestado un poco de arte del banco de arte de la universidad. ¿Qué?, ¿un banco de arte? Sí. Fue cuestión de hacer una simple llamada y arreglar una cita para ir y elegir algunos cuadros para colgar en la pared, con la motivación original de disimular los balazos. Y no nos arrepentimos ya que la oficina luce un poco más acogedora y como si fuera una oficina.
Con la idea de publicitar el banco de arte, la revista Cursor publica esta semana un artículo en la página en inglés sobre el tema. Fui entrevistado y pueden leer la entrevista aquí. Es muy divertido cómo varía el concepto de arte y su propósito entre diferente gente. Diviértanse con el artículo y también con mi imagen de 'hombre mirando al sudeste'. Aquí se puede bajar una versión pdf del ejemplar del Cursor.
A time ago, I swapped office to be closer to the coding and crypto group of the university. All this movement meant also to move all the furniture in the rooms. Of course, the ex-inhabitants my current office took with them: frames on the wall, a plant and I guess also some whiteboards. The point is that the wall of my room really ended up full of holes looking like gun shots.
My colleague and I didn't care too much in the decoration of the room, as we feel nice, as soon as we are able to work peacefully. Nevertheless, more than one I have to see the faces of people coming to my room like saying 'those holes don't look good'. After doing this comment to an colleague she told me that I could decorate a bit the wall by borrowing some art from the bank of art of the university. What? An art bank? Yes. It just was a matter of calling them and make an appointment to go and choose some frames to hang in our wall, with the original idea of dissimulate the bullet holes on it. We didn't regret as the room looks a bit more cozy and like an office!!
Advertising the art bank, the Cursor this week publishes an article in the English page about it. I was interviewed and it can be read here. It is very funny how the concept of art and its purpose varies from different people. Have fun with the article and also with my picture of 'man watching to the south-east'. You can also get a o pdf version of the newspaper here.
Mi colega y yo no nos preocupamos mucho en la decoración, ya que nos sentíamos bien, tan pronto como pudiéramos trabajar tranquilamente. Sin embargo, más de una vez tuve que ver las caras de la gente viniendo a mi oficina como diciendo que 'esos agujeros no se ven bien'. Luego de hacer este comentario a una colega, ella me dijo que podríamos decorar un poco la oficina pidiendo prestado un poco de arte del banco de arte de la universidad. ¿Qué?, ¿un banco de arte? Sí. Fue cuestión de hacer una simple llamada y arreglar una cita para ir y elegir algunos cuadros para colgar en la pared, con la motivación original de disimular los balazos. Y no nos arrepentimos ya que la oficina luce un poco más acogedora y como si fuera una oficina.
Con la idea de publicitar el banco de arte, la revista Cursor publica esta semana un artículo en la página en inglés sobre el tema. Fui entrevistado y pueden leer la entrevista aquí. Es muy divertido cómo varía el concepto de arte y su propósito entre diferente gente. Diviértanse con el artículo y también con mi imagen de 'hombre mirando al sudeste'. Aquí se puede bajar una versión pdf del ejemplar del Cursor.
A time ago, I swapped office to be closer to the coding and crypto group of the university. All this movement meant also to move all the furniture in the rooms. Of course, the ex-inhabitants my current office took with them: frames on the wall, a plant and I guess also some whiteboards. The point is that the wall of my room really ended up full of holes looking like gun shots.
My colleague and I didn't care too much in the decoration of the room, as we feel nice, as soon as we are able to work peacefully. Nevertheless, more than one I have to see the faces of people coming to my room like saying 'those holes don't look good'. After doing this comment to an colleague she told me that I could decorate a bit the wall by borrowing some art from the bank of art of the university. What? An art bank? Yes. It just was a matter of calling them and make an appointment to go and choose some frames to hang in our wall, with the original idea of dissimulate the bullet holes on it. We didn't regret as the room looks a bit more cozy and like an office!!
Advertising the art bank, the Cursor this week publishes an article in the English page about it. I was interviewed and it can be read here. It is very funny how the concept of art and its purpose varies from different people. Have fun with the article and also with my picture of 'man watching to the south-east'. You can also get a o pdf version of the newspaper here.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Una escapadita = A getaway
Actualmente en mi carrera de doctorado es muy común que tenga que planear viajes fugaces a workshops o conferencias relativamente cerca en Europa. Esta vez fui a una reunión de un grupo de trabajo financiado por la UE donde algunos especialistas discuten sobre temas de investigación en mi área, hacen una tormenta de ideas y tratan de obtener resultados a partir de esto. Además de eso, el vínculo social se hace fuerte y se convierte en la base que favorece los trabajos conjuntos de excelencia. Y no es un demagogia, es cierto.
No hablaré mucho de los tecnicismos pero sí de los lugares que he visitado. La reunión fue en Salerno. No es una ciudad grande, en el sur de Italia, no muy turística en donde el estilo de vida típico de los italianos puede percibirse tan sólo caminando entre sus calles.
Currently, in my PhD career it is pretty common to have to plan rush trips to workshops or conferences somehow close in Europe. This time I went to a meeting of a working group financed by the EU where some specialists discuss research issues, brainstorm a little bit and try to get results out of that. Beyond that, the social link becomes strong and is the basis towards joint work of excellence. And this is not a lobby, it is true.
I won't talk too much on the technicalities but about the places I visited. The meeting was held in Salerno. This is a not so big city, in the south of Italy, not so touristic, rather, not so full of tourists, where the typical Italian lifestyle can be perceived by just wandering through its streets.
Luego que las reuniones terminaron, tuve algo de tiempo para visitar algunos lugares. Primeramente, fui a Pompeya y visité, por supuesto, las ruinas de la antigua Pompeya. Me quedé atónito de ver todo lo que esta gente había logrado en el año 79 de nuestra era cristiana.
After the meetings finished, I had some time to visit some other places. Firstly, I went to Pompei and visited, of course, the ancient Pompei's ruins. I just was astonished to see all what these people had achieved by the year 79 of the Christian era.
Luego de eso, seguí la ruta hacia mi destino final, pasando por Nápoles que solamente conozco desde las vías y su estación, en donde tuve que correr para alcanzar mi tren a Roma. Las vías entre Pompeya y Nápoles es espectacular, van pegadas a la costa.
After that, I followed the way to my final destination, passing by Naples which I only know from the railways and its station, where I had to rush to get my train to Rome. The way between Pompei and Naples is just spectacular, the railways go just next to the beach.
Roma dije, sí. Pasé una noche distinta porque por primera vez estuve en un hostal, compartiendo un cuarto mixto con otros 5, adolescentes en su mayoría :S De todos modos, el día siguiente, caminé todo el día en Roma: el coliseo, y la Basílica de San Pedro. Sin palabras para describir estas maravillas arquitectónicas y todo lo que Roma tiene para ofrecer. Millares de turistas, construcciones antiguas por todos lados.
Rome I said, yes. I spent a night, rather particular for me because I stayed at a hostal, sharing a mixed room with other 5 people, teenagers most of them :S Anyway, the day after, I just wandered in Rome: colliseum, and Saint Peter basilica. No words to describe these and all what Rome has to offer. Plenty of tourists, ancient constructions everywhere.
Y para hablar un poco de Italia, sólo puedo decir que me sentí como en casa. La gente habla como nosotros lo hacemos, en italiano pero no es el problema para nosotros. Solamente me dediqué a hablar con un acento argentino bien acentuado y pasé desapercibido. La pasé bien en este viaje, aunque como siempre digo, no me termina de convencer tener que ir solitariamente por todos lados.
And as for Italy, I just can say that I felt at home. People just speaks as we do, with the same intonation therefore it is not a big issue for us. Just speak with a very stressed Argentinean accent, and we are Italians. I just got a lot fun with this trip, although I was alone, thing that still doesn't convince me at all.
No hablaré mucho de los tecnicismos pero sí de los lugares que he visitado. La reunión fue en Salerno. No es una ciudad grande, en el sur de Italia, no muy turística en donde el estilo de vida típico de los italianos puede percibirse tan sólo caminando entre sus calles.
Currently, in my PhD career it is pretty common to have to plan rush trips to workshops or conferences somehow close in Europe. This time I went to a meeting of a working group financed by the EU where some specialists discuss research issues, brainstorm a little bit and try to get results out of that. Beyond that, the social link becomes strong and is the basis towards joint work of excellence. And this is not a lobby, it is true.
I won't talk too much on the technicalities but about the places I visited. The meeting was held in Salerno. This is a not so big city, in the south of Italy, not so touristic, rather, not so full of tourists, where the typical Italian lifestyle can be perceived by just wandering through its streets.
Luego que las reuniones terminaron, tuve algo de tiempo para visitar algunos lugares. Primeramente, fui a Pompeya y visité, por supuesto, las ruinas de la antigua Pompeya. Me quedé atónito de ver todo lo que esta gente había logrado en el año 79 de nuestra era cristiana.
After the meetings finished, I had some time to visit some other places. Firstly, I went to Pompei and visited, of course, the ancient Pompei's ruins. I just was astonished to see all what these people had achieved by the year 79 of the Christian era.
Luego de eso, seguí la ruta hacia mi destino final, pasando por Nápoles que solamente conozco desde las vías y su estación, en donde tuve que correr para alcanzar mi tren a Roma. Las vías entre Pompeya y Nápoles es espectacular, van pegadas a la costa.
After that, I followed the way to my final destination, passing by Naples which I only know from the railways and its station, where I had to rush to get my train to Rome. The way between Pompei and Naples is just spectacular, the railways go just next to the beach.
Roma dije, sí. Pasé una noche distinta porque por primera vez estuve en un hostal, compartiendo un cuarto mixto con otros 5, adolescentes en su mayoría :S De todos modos, el día siguiente, caminé todo el día en Roma: el coliseo, y la Basílica de San Pedro. Sin palabras para describir estas maravillas arquitectónicas y todo lo que Roma tiene para ofrecer. Millares de turistas, construcciones antiguas por todos lados.
Rome I said, yes. I spent a night, rather particular for me because I stayed at a hostal, sharing a mixed room with other 5 people, teenagers most of them :S Anyway, the day after, I just wandered in Rome: colliseum, and Saint Peter basilica. No words to describe these and all what Rome has to offer. Plenty of tourists, ancient constructions everywhere.
Y para hablar un poco de Italia, sólo puedo decir que me sentí como en casa. La gente habla como nosotros lo hacemos, en italiano pero no es el problema para nosotros. Solamente me dediqué a hablar con un acento argentino bien acentuado y pasé desapercibido. La pasé bien en este viaje, aunque como siempre digo, no me termina de convencer tener que ir solitariamente por todos lados.
And as for Italy, I just can say that I felt at home. People just speaks as we do, with the same intonation therefore it is not a big issue for us. Just speak with a very stressed Argentinean accent, and we are Italians. I just got a lot fun with this trip, although I was alone, thing that still doesn't convince me at all.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Las elecciones = The elections
El domingo pasado, como todos lo saben han habido elecciones en Argentina. Por supuesto que participé desde Holanda, votando naturalmente. Mis opciones de elección fueron lógicamente bastante limitadas: presidente y diputados y senadores nacionales. Fue fácil y no tan engorroso como en Argentina: una hoja por categoría con todos los posibles candidatos donde tenía que marcar con una cruz mi elección. Sólo eso. De hecho que también fue una buena oportunidad para conocer a los argentinos de por estos lados, y como era temprano, disfrutar de un chocolate :)
Natalia de Tucumán publicó un artículo en la página web de un diario que ilutra bastante bien el ambiente electivo por estos lares. Aquí está el link: http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/tucumanos/notas.asp?id_nota=242320
Luego estuve en casa, siguiendo las elecciones a través de una radio salteña. Y rápidamente empecé a notar cómo ciertas cosas me incomodaban, como le debe haber pasado a más de uno. En mi situación uno empieza a hacer comparaciones y verlas de otra manera, supongo que debido al hecho que ya conozco 'algo más' sobre las elecciones. Sólo les cuento algunas cosas que más me molestaron.
Una de ellas es el derecho que uno tiene para decir su voto antes de poner el voto en la urna porque sino es invalidado. Pienso que uno tiene un derecho a mantenerlo en privado, pero ¿cuál es el problema en decirlo en público? ¡A lo mejor se puede influir a otros votantes! Vamos, cada uno debería ser lo suficientemente racional para hacer su elección. Esto no significa que uno puede publicitar cierto partido político, o ser molesto.
Otra cosa que me molesta mucho es el hecho que cada partido debe tener cuidado de sus votos en el cuarto oscuro. Por lo tanto, un partido pequeño que no tiene la infraestructura política de soportar esto no puede asegurar a los electores que elijan sus candidatos. El derecho a elegir es eso, un derecho. Así que pienso que la justicia electoral debe garantizarlo y no dejarlo en manos de los partidos. Esto quiere decir que partidos grandes pueden simplemente tirar las boletas de los partidos chicos y ya está, no hay elección justa. Una solución rápida puede ser implementar algo como un formulario uniforme donde cada uno puede marcar con una cruz al partido o candidato que uno quiere votar. Y más se me subió la bilirrubina cuando lo escucho al ministro del interior justificando la falta de votos de partidos chicos como una responsabilidad de cada partido político. De esta manera, no hay garantías de una elección justa.
Y, para finalizar, no entiendo a los candidatos que empiezan a consagrarse ganadores basados en escuestas a boca de urna sin esperar a los resultados oficiales. ¿La insitencia cambiará los resultados de la elección?, me pregunto.
De todos modos, creo que tenemos que agradecer que podemos elegir a unos representantes, hay mucho para mejorar, y espero que se haga cuanto antes (aunque algunos grupos no sean los beneficiados).
Actualización 1/11: Hubo una cobertura interesante por algunos blogs amigos:
* Elecciones reñidas en Salta
* El Tribuno Independiente
Last Sunday, as most of you already know, there have been elections in Argentina. Of course I participated from Holland on them, voting naturally. My election options where logically limited: president and national deputies and senators. It is easy and not to messy as it is in Argentina: a sheet for category with all possible candidates, where I have to mark with a cross my choice. Just that. Of course it was a nice opportunity to get in touch with some other Argentineans hanging around, and as I was early, to drink a chocolate!
Natalia from Tucumán, published a report on a newspaper's web page that illustrated very good the election mood over here. Here is the link: http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/tucumanos/notas.asp?id_nota=242320
I stayed at home afterwards, and I followed the elections in Salta from the radio. And quickly I started to notice how some things bittered me, as it must've happened to more than one. In this situation one starts making comparisons and looking them at from other perspective, due to the fact I already know 'something else' about elections. I just will tell you some things that really made me upset.
One of them is the obliviousness of the voter when voting. It is not allowed to say nothing about your mind before you cast the envelop in the ballot box. Otherwise, your vote is invalidated. I think that you have the right to not say anything about your vote, but what is the problem if you want to give it away?! Perhaps you may influence other voters! Come on, everyone should be rational enough to have made its choice. This doesn't mean that you can advertise certain politician, or be disturbing.
The other thing I really got upset at was the fact that every party must take care of their ballots in the dark room. Therefore, a small party which doesn't have the political infrastructure to support this cannot assure that the electors can choose it. The right to elect is that, a right. Therefore, I think that the electoral justice must warranty this, and not leave it in hands of the parties. This means, larger parties may simply drop out ballot of smaller competitors and therefore there is no fair election. Something like a uniform form where one can cross in the party or candidate one wants to vote is a very straightforward solution. I even got more upset when I heard the interior minister justifying the lack of ballot for small parties as a responsibility of each party! This way, no warranty of fair election there exists.
And, just to finish, the fact that certain candidates start basing their victories on after-voting polls. And not really waiting to official results. Will this insistence change the result of the election?!
Anyway, I think we have to be thanked to the fact we can elect our representatives, there is much to be improved, and I hope this is done asap (although some groups will not be benefited).
Natalia de Tucumán publicó un artículo en la página web de un diario que ilutra bastante bien el ambiente electivo por estos lares. Aquí está el link: http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/tucumanos/notas.asp?id_nota=242320
Luego estuve en casa, siguiendo las elecciones a través de una radio salteña. Y rápidamente empecé a notar cómo ciertas cosas me incomodaban, como le debe haber pasado a más de uno. En mi situación uno empieza a hacer comparaciones y verlas de otra manera, supongo que debido al hecho que ya conozco 'algo más' sobre las elecciones. Sólo les cuento algunas cosas que más me molestaron.
Una de ellas es el derecho que uno tiene para decir su voto antes de poner el voto en la urna porque sino es invalidado. Pienso que uno tiene un derecho a mantenerlo en privado, pero ¿cuál es el problema en decirlo en público? ¡A lo mejor se puede influir a otros votantes! Vamos, cada uno debería ser lo suficientemente racional para hacer su elección. Esto no significa que uno puede publicitar cierto partido político, o ser molesto.
Otra cosa que me molesta mucho es el hecho que cada partido debe tener cuidado de sus votos en el cuarto oscuro. Por lo tanto, un partido pequeño que no tiene la infraestructura política de soportar esto no puede asegurar a los electores que elijan sus candidatos. El derecho a elegir es eso, un derecho. Así que pienso que la justicia electoral debe garantizarlo y no dejarlo en manos de los partidos. Esto quiere decir que partidos grandes pueden simplemente tirar las boletas de los partidos chicos y ya está, no hay elección justa. Una solución rápida puede ser implementar algo como un formulario uniforme donde cada uno puede marcar con una cruz al partido o candidato que uno quiere votar. Y más se me subió la bilirrubina cuando lo escucho al ministro del interior justificando la falta de votos de partidos chicos como una responsabilidad de cada partido político. De esta manera, no hay garantías de una elección justa.
Y, para finalizar, no entiendo a los candidatos que empiezan a consagrarse ganadores basados en escuestas a boca de urna sin esperar a los resultados oficiales. ¿La insitencia cambiará los resultados de la elección?, me pregunto.
De todos modos, creo que tenemos que agradecer que podemos elegir a unos representantes, hay mucho para mejorar, y espero que se haga cuanto antes (aunque algunos grupos no sean los beneficiados).
Actualización 1/11: Hubo una cobertura interesante por algunos blogs amigos:
* Elecciones reñidas en Salta
* El Tribuno Independiente
Last Sunday, as most of you already know, there have been elections in Argentina. Of course I participated from Holland on them, voting naturally. My election options where logically limited: president and national deputies and senators. It is easy and not to messy as it is in Argentina: a sheet for category with all possible candidates, where I have to mark with a cross my choice. Just that. Of course it was a nice opportunity to get in touch with some other Argentineans hanging around, and as I was early, to drink a chocolate!
Natalia from Tucumán, published a report on a newspaper's web page that illustrated very good the election mood over here. Here is the link: http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/tucumanos/notas.asp?id_nota=242320
I stayed at home afterwards, and I followed the elections in Salta from the radio. And quickly I started to notice how some things bittered me, as it must've happened to more than one. In this situation one starts making comparisons and looking them at from other perspective, due to the fact I already know 'something else' about elections. I just will tell you some things that really made me upset.
One of them is the obliviousness of the voter when voting. It is not allowed to say nothing about your mind before you cast the envelop in the ballot box. Otherwise, your vote is invalidated. I think that you have the right to not say anything about your vote, but what is the problem if you want to give it away?! Perhaps you may influence other voters! Come on, everyone should be rational enough to have made its choice. This doesn't mean that you can advertise certain politician, or be disturbing.
The other thing I really got upset at was the fact that every party must take care of their ballots in the dark room. Therefore, a small party which doesn't have the political infrastructure to support this cannot assure that the electors can choose it. The right to elect is that, a right. Therefore, I think that the electoral justice must warranty this, and not leave it in hands of the parties. This means, larger parties may simply drop out ballot of smaller competitors and therefore there is no fair election. Something like a uniform form where one can cross in the party or candidate one wants to vote is a very straightforward solution. I even got more upset when I heard the interior minister justifying the lack of ballot for small parties as a responsibility of each party! This way, no warranty of fair election there exists.
And, just to finish, the fact that certain candidates start basing their victories on after-voting polls. And not really waiting to official results. Will this insistence change the result of the election?!
Anyway, I think we have to be thanked to the fact we can elect our representatives, there is much to be improved, and I hope this is done asap (although some groups will not be benefited).
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Otoño = Autumn
Hace un par de días, estaba andando mi bicicleta y encontré este fantástica vista.
A couple of days ago, I was cycling the bike and found this fantastic spot for a picture.
Así es como el otoño es aquí, ¡aunque ahora está bastante frío! Días más cortos, más fríos, nos preparamos para el invierno largo, oscuro y frío :(
This is how autumn looks like over here, although now is rather cold! Shorter and colder days, we are preparing ourselves for the very large, dark and cold winter :(
A couple of days ago, I was cycling the bike and found this fantastic spot for a picture.
Así es como el otoño es aquí, ¡aunque ahora está bastante frío! Días más cortos, más fríos, nos preparamos para el invierno largo, oscuro y frío :(
This is how autumn looks like over here, although now is rather cold! Shorter and colder days, we are preparing ourselves for the very large, dark and cold winter :(
Hace un par de semanas, Franca, la editora de la página en inglés del periódico semanal de la universidad, invitó a algunos estudiantes y empleados internacionales de la universidad a seguir la lichtjesroute en bicicleta. Esta ruta consiste en muchas figuras armadas con bombillas en la calle, puestas de forma tal que arman un circuito que puede hacerse en auto o bici. Este evento ha sido una tradición en Eindhoven desde 1948, como una manera de levantar el ánimo a la gente justo después de la segunda guerra mundial.
Así lo hicimos, y seguimos la ruta completa en bicicleta, un total de 23 km. Por supuesto, hubo una nota al respecto, y aquí hay un link con la versión electrónica:
Hay algunos comentarios que le hice a Franca que se incluyen en la nota. También hay dos fotos, en las que yo aparezco en una! ¡Los desafío a encontrarme!
A couple of weeks ago, Franca, the editor of the page in English of the university newspaper, invited some international students and employees from the university to follow the lichtjesroute by bike. This route consist of plenty of figures made with bulb lamps on the street, all of them arranged in a circuit that can be done by car or by bike. This the event has been a tradition in Eindhoven since 1948, as a way of making people happier just after the world war II.
So did we, we follow the entire route by bike, a total of 23 km. Of course, there was a report out of it, and here is the link of the electronic version:
Some comments I made to Franca are in the report. And two pictures, I am in one of them! I challenge you to find me!
Actualización 1/11: Aquí va la solución:
Así lo hicimos, y seguimos la ruta completa en bicicleta, un total de 23 km. Por supuesto, hubo una nota al respecto, y aquí hay un link con la versión electrónica:
Hay algunos comentarios que le hice a Franca que se incluyen en la nota. También hay dos fotos, en las que yo aparezco en una! ¡Los desafío a encontrarme!
A couple of weeks ago, Franca, the editor of the page in English of the university newspaper, invited some international students and employees from the university to follow the lichtjesroute by bike. This route consist of plenty of figures made with bulb lamps on the street, all of them arranged in a circuit that can be done by car or by bike. This the event has been a tradition in Eindhoven since 1948, as a way of making people happier just after the world war II.
So did we, we follow the entire route by bike, a total of 23 km. Of course, there was a report out of it, and here is the link of the electronic version:
Some comments I made to Franca are in the report. And two pictures, I am in one of them! I challenge you to find me!
Actualización 1/11: Aquí va la solución:
Monday, October 15, 2007
Blog Action Day: Resource deployment
This will be my contribution to the Blog Action Day. In this opportunity I will express my opinion and what is going on with some environmental issues in my country, of course from the point of view as a foreign resident. The subject is about the deployment of natural resources in Argentina. There are two well defined opinions in my country. Namely, the ones that want to preserve all natural resources, leaving them untouched (from now on, preservationists); and, on the other one side, as you imagine, those who are in favor of their deployment (from now on, producers).
Both thoughts have some good points. The preservationists want to protect all natural diversity, including flora, fauna and native people, and the ultimate goal is to look for the natural equilibrium of the environment. The producers say they can improve the economical situation of people in general by generating many jobs, and producing a chain effect in the general economical and financial scheme.
And the bad points: with the preservationists' point of view it should not be possible to do nothing else than a subsistence life pace, just receiving what we can get barely from the earth. The producers though, go to the other extreme, where the money is above everything.
In my country, now everything what is done in environmental matters is more merely is in the extreme case of the producers: just get as many money as possible. Money that is distributed among a few capitalists, generally foreign capitals. There is a very small fraction that comes back to the 'town' in form of taxes that in general is in the hands of corrupted politicians that use this resources to their own interests, when this taxes should be destined to diminish the impact of the deployment of the natural resources. Even if this revenue were re-invested as the to do so, the amount is ridiculously small.
One example are the mines in the province of San Juan. There some foreign companies are deploying thousands of hectares. The taxes that the government perceives are used to finance the so-called environmental police, which main task is to control that the companies are working according to the standards. This companies are literally tearing down all mountains, extracting some minerals which are preprocessed at the mine site, and taking out of the country all the precursors for the metals. This preprocessing means taking millions of thousands of clean water and pouring it back into some contention lakes. This lakes leak all this very heavy metals into the subterranean water curses. Meaning this, poisoning all inhabitants down river, and producing a devastating desertification process over there. And the most funny thing: the precursors for metal are exported, and the pure metals, after the corresponding process are imported to the country, to a cost ten times greater than the precursors. All this at the benefice of at most 40 work positions...
In my province, Salta, is very common see how the native forest are destroyed and converted into cultivable surfaces without any minimal environmental impact prevision. Such a lack of previsions is producing plenty of floods every summer, as the rain doesn't have any contention as it used to have. And all this, to cultivate soy, which is completely exported, receiving as taxes some important revenues which as I said are used as a political mechanism that feeds the corruption in the hole country.
In the middle, there are some activist groups, as Greenpeace, which try to call the attention to the population about these issues, using very controversial means to stop all this, and without any apparent results so far.
But in any case, I think that we must find a point in the middle of this two antagonistically different directions. There should be real deployment of such resources, from the beginning to the end of the production of the end-consumer chain, as in any other serious country. This way, there will be more profit for everybody in general. There will be enough money to reduce the (possible) negative effects to the environment. There will be much more work: in the production chain, in general the last part of it is the one that does so. And there will be more economical movement in general, which in the end is the things that makes a country to be prosper and with a growing economy. This is done, I think in every 'first-world' country. Unfortunately, these are the countries that don't care doing nasty things in 'third-world' countries. And even more disappointing, is the fact that in the latter countries all the nasties are possible because there is a very institutionalized corruption which takes advantage of it at the cost of the future of the common people.
Maybe, too many words, maybe without any sense, but this is at least what I think to the respect.
Both thoughts have some good points. The preservationists want to protect all natural diversity, including flora, fauna and native people, and the ultimate goal is to look for the natural equilibrium of the environment. The producers say they can improve the economical situation of people in general by generating many jobs, and producing a chain effect in the general economical and financial scheme.
And the bad points: with the preservationists' point of view it should not be possible to do nothing else than a subsistence life pace, just receiving what we can get barely from the earth. The producers though, go to the other extreme, where the money is above everything.
In my country, now everything what is done in environmental matters is more merely is in the extreme case of the producers: just get as many money as possible. Money that is distributed among a few capitalists, generally foreign capitals. There is a very small fraction that comes back to the 'town' in form of taxes that in general is in the hands of corrupted politicians that use this resources to their own interests, when this taxes should be destined to diminish the impact of the deployment of the natural resources. Even if this revenue were re-invested as the to do so, the amount is ridiculously small.
One example are the mines in the province of San Juan. There some foreign companies are deploying thousands of hectares. The taxes that the government perceives are used to finance the so-called environmental police, which main task is to control that the companies are working according to the standards. This companies are literally tearing down all mountains, extracting some minerals which are preprocessed at the mine site, and taking out of the country all the precursors for the metals. This preprocessing means taking millions of thousands of clean water and pouring it back into some contention lakes. This lakes leak all this very heavy metals into the subterranean water curses. Meaning this, poisoning all inhabitants down river, and producing a devastating desertification process over there. And the most funny thing: the precursors for metal are exported, and the pure metals, after the corresponding process are imported to the country, to a cost ten times greater than the precursors. All this at the benefice of at most 40 work positions...
In my province, Salta, is very common see how the native forest are destroyed and converted into cultivable surfaces without any minimal environmental impact prevision. Such a lack of previsions is producing plenty of floods every summer, as the rain doesn't have any contention as it used to have. And all this, to cultivate soy, which is completely exported, receiving as taxes some important revenues which as I said are used as a political mechanism that feeds the corruption in the hole country.
In the middle, there are some activist groups, as Greenpeace, which try to call the attention to the population about these issues, using very controversial means to stop all this, and without any apparent results so far.
But in any case, I think that we must find a point in the middle of this two antagonistically different directions. There should be real deployment of such resources, from the beginning to the end of the production of the end-consumer chain, as in any other serious country. This way, there will be more profit for everybody in general. There will be enough money to reduce the (possible) negative effects to the environment. There will be much more work: in the production chain, in general the last part of it is the one that does so. And there will be more economical movement in general, which in the end is the things that makes a country to be prosper and with a growing economy. This is done, I think in every 'first-world' country. Unfortunately, these are the countries that don't care doing nasty things in 'third-world' countries. And even more disappointing, is the fact that in the latter countries all the nasties are possible because there is a very institutionalized corruption which takes advantage of it at the cost of the future of the common people.
Maybe, too many words, maybe without any sense, but this is at least what I think to the respect.
Monday, October 08, 2007
De museos = About musea
Este fin de semana hice una vuelta de museos organizada por la Asociación de Estudiantes Internacionales de Eindhoven (ISN/e). Junto a alrededor de otros 20 estudiantes fuimos a tres museos. Por supuesto, fuimos de uno a otro en nuestras bicicletas.
La primera parada fue en el Museo de la DAF. DAF es una fábrica bien conocida de camiones, autos y ómnibus. El museo lo lleva a uno a través de la historia de la compañía desde sus comienzos en la década de 1920 hasta la actualidad.
This weekend I went to a Musea-tour organized by the International Students Association Eindhoven (ISN/e). Together with around 20 other students we went to three musea. Naturally, we commute between them riding our bikes.
The first stop was at the DAF Museum. DAF is a very well known maker of trucks, cars and buses. The museum brings one to trough the history of the company, from its beginnings in the 1920's to the current days.
La segunda parada fue el Museo de Philips, también conocido como fabriekje (la fabriquita). Ubicada en el lugar donde Philips empezó la elaboración de las primeras bombillas, la visita guiada nos introduce en el proceso primitivo de desarrollo de las bombillas hasta llegar a nuestros días.
The second stop was at the Philips Museum, also known as the fabriekje (the little factory). Located at the place where Philips started producing his first lamp bulbs, the guided visit introduces us from the primitive development process of them, to the one employed nowadays.
Y al último, pero no por eso menos, el Museo Medieval. Este museo está en el medio de los Genneperparken. Hay un grupo de actores quienes constantemente muestran cómo se vivía en la edad de hierro y en el siglo XII. Es un concepto diferente de museo.
And lately but not least, the Medieval Museum. This museum is in the middle of the Genneperparken. There is a staff of actors who perform as they were living in the iron age and in the 12th century. It is a very different concept of a museum.
Allí, encontré algo que disfruté un montón. Luego de más de 15 años me subí a unos zancos. Descubrí que aprender a caminar con ellos es como aprender a montar una bicicleta: tenés que desarrolar la habilidad de hacerlo y nunca lo vas a olvidar. Muchos intentaron caminar con ellos, pero fallaron porque no es tan fácil como parece :)
There, I found something I enjoyed a lot. After more than 15 years I walked on stilts! I found out that learning to walk on them is like learning to ride a bike: you have to develop the ability of doing and you never forget it. Many tried to stilt, but failed because it is not as easy as it seems :)
Actualización (20/10): Aquí está el link con nota en Cursor, el periódico semanal de la universidad:
Update (20/10): Here is the link with the report in the Cursor, the university newspaper:
La primera parada fue en el Museo de la DAF. DAF es una fábrica bien conocida de camiones, autos y ómnibus. El museo lo lleva a uno a través de la historia de la compañía desde sus comienzos en la década de 1920 hasta la actualidad.
This weekend I went to a Musea-tour organized by the International Students Association Eindhoven (ISN/e). Together with around 20 other students we went to three musea. Naturally, we commute between them riding our bikes.
The first stop was at the DAF Museum. DAF is a very well known maker of trucks, cars and buses. The museum brings one to trough the history of the company, from its beginnings in the 1920's to the current days.
La segunda parada fue el Museo de Philips, también conocido como fabriekje (la fabriquita). Ubicada en el lugar donde Philips empezó la elaboración de las primeras bombillas, la visita guiada nos introduce en el proceso primitivo de desarrollo de las bombillas hasta llegar a nuestros días.
The second stop was at the Philips Museum, also known as the fabriekje (the little factory). Located at the place where Philips started producing his first lamp bulbs, the guided visit introduces us from the primitive development process of them, to the one employed nowadays.
Y al último, pero no por eso menos, el Museo Medieval. Este museo está en el medio de los Genneperparken. Hay un grupo de actores quienes constantemente muestran cómo se vivía en la edad de hierro y en el siglo XII. Es un concepto diferente de museo.
And lately but not least, the Medieval Museum. This museum is in the middle of the Genneperparken. There is a staff of actors who perform as they were living in the iron age and in the 12th century. It is a very different concept of a museum.
Allí, encontré algo que disfruté un montón. Luego de más de 15 años me subí a unos zancos. Descubrí que aprender a caminar con ellos es como aprender a montar una bicicleta: tenés que desarrolar la habilidad de hacerlo y nunca lo vas a olvidar. Muchos intentaron caminar con ellos, pero fallaron porque no es tan fácil como parece :)
There, I found something I enjoyed a lot. After more than 15 years I walked on stilts! I found out that learning to walk on them is like learning to ride a bike: you have to develop the ability of doing and you never forget it. Many tried to stilt, but failed because it is not as easy as it seems :)
Actualización (20/10): Aquí está el link con nota en Cursor, el periódico semanal de la universidad:
Update (20/10): Here is the link with the report in the Cursor, the university newspaper:
Friday, October 05, 2007
Cuestiones de idiomas = Linguistic matters
Desde que llegué aquí empecé a estar en contacto con mucha gente de diferentes países, culturas y por supuesto idiomas. Me gusta estudiar las diferencias y similitudes entre los idiomas, especialmente cuando ellos están geográficamente relacionados. Así es que en este post voy a dar un pantallazo de algunas curiosidades al respecto.
Lo básico que noté es que el nombre y pronunciación de la letra A. Hasta donde pude ver, en todos los idiomas excepto en inglés se pronuncia como /a/ y no /ei/ como en inglés. Esto indica lo difícil que es pronunciar algo en inglés. Incluso en persí, la pronunciación de la primera vocal es /a/-
Otra característica muy especial de cada idioma es la asignación de género a las cosas. En inglés es fácil: todo lo que es un objeto es algo sin género, y siempre se usa el mismo pronombre (it) o artículo (the). A veces, hay un sustativo distinto para un animal macho o hembra, como rooster (pollo), chicken (gallina), o bull (toro), cow (vaca) por ejemplo, pero el pronombre y artículo es 'it' y 'the'. En otros idiomas, como el castellano o cualquier otra lengua romance todo es o macho o hembra. La dificultad se presenta entonces en identificar el género de algo, que en general se aprende de memoria. En otros idiomas, como el alemán o ruso, sin embargo, hay un tercer género, llamado neutro. Así que por lo tanto hay cosas que son hembra, otras son macho y otras neutro. En holandés, hay dos tipos de objetos, dependiendo del artículo que se use. Los objetos pueden ser objetos 'de' o 'het' (het se llama neutro), y dependiendo de esto se arma la conjugación en algunas oraciones. Por ejemplo, de tafel (la mesa), het boek (el libro). Decidir si es un objeto 'de' o 'het' se tiene que aprender de memoria. Y para volvernos locos: por ejemplo, en alemán el sol es una mujer, la luna es un hombre, mientras que en castellano es al revés...
Y para terminar esta serie de hilos de este estilo, estudiemos el sonido de los animales. Los animales hacen ruidos de diferente maneras en diferentes idiomas. Por ejemplo, gente hispanoparlante dirá que un perro dice 'guau', mientras que un turco dirá que los perros hacen 'cof'. Y sobre las vacas, le pregunté a mucha gente. Todos me dicen que las vacas hacen 'muuu' mientras que los holandeses dicen que las vacas dicen 'buuu'. Y sin sorpresas, los fantasmas en el primer grupo dicen 'buuu' mientras que los fantasmas holandeses se dicen 'muuu'... Y como ilustración dejo este poster de una asociación de defensa de los animales que encontré en Ámsterdam. Dice esto "Quiero ser libre dijo la vaca, pero lo único que escuchamos fue buuu" (oe en holandés se pronuncia u)
Since I came here I started being in touch with many people, all of very different cultures, customs and, of course, languages. I like to see the differences and similarities among languages, specially when they are geographically related. So, this post will try to give an overview of some curiosities regarding this.
The basic, of course is the name and pronunciation of the letter A. As far as I can see, in all languages but English it is pronounced and named as /a/, not /ei/ as it is in English. This is just an indication of how difficult the pronunciation in English is. Even in Persian, the pronunciation of the main vowel is /a/.
Another very specific feature of each language is the assignation of genre to the things. In English is kind of easy, everything that is an object is considered something asexual, and there is where the pronoun 'it' and the article 'the' are used. Sometimes, they have a different noun for a male or female animal, like rooster and chicken, bull and cow for example, but the pronoun by default is 'it'. In some others, like Spanish and all Roman languages everything is either male or female. The difficulty in this is to find out what the genre of something is which in general has to be learned by hard. In some other languages like German or Russian, however, there are a third genre, called neutral. Therefore there are things that are male, female or neutral. In Dutch, there are two different kind of objects, depending on the article they use. They can be 'de'-objects or 'het'-objects (het is called neutral), and depending on this, you have to make a correct conjugation in a sentence. For example, de tafel (the table), or het boek (the book). Whether something is a 'de' or a 'het' has to be learned by hard. And we can make us crazy: in German the sun is a she, the moon a he, while in Spanish is in the other way around...
And just to finish this first post of a series of this style, let's go to the sound of animals. Among different languages the animals are listened differently. For example, for Spanish people, a dog says 'guau', but for a Turkish it says 'cof'. I asked many people about the cows: almost everybody replied to me with a 'mooh', whereas in Dutch they say 'booh'. No surprisingly, for a Dutch person, a ghost would tell you 'mooh' whereas in any other country a ghost would say 'booh'... I leave as an illustration this poster (see above) I found somewhere in Amsterdam of an association for animal rights. It says, "I want to be free, said the cow, but we hear nothing more than booh" (oe sounds like oo in boom)
Lo básico que noté es que el nombre y pronunciación de la letra A. Hasta donde pude ver, en todos los idiomas excepto en inglés se pronuncia como /a/ y no /ei/ como en inglés. Esto indica lo difícil que es pronunciar algo en inglés. Incluso en persí, la pronunciación de la primera vocal es /a/-
Otra característica muy especial de cada idioma es la asignación de género a las cosas. En inglés es fácil: todo lo que es un objeto es algo sin género, y siempre se usa el mismo pronombre (it) o artículo (the). A veces, hay un sustativo distinto para un animal macho o hembra, como rooster (pollo), chicken (gallina), o bull (toro), cow (vaca) por ejemplo, pero el pronombre y artículo es 'it' y 'the'. En otros idiomas, como el castellano o cualquier otra lengua romance todo es o macho o hembra. La dificultad se presenta entonces en identificar el género de algo, que en general se aprende de memoria. En otros idiomas, como el alemán o ruso, sin embargo, hay un tercer género, llamado neutro. Así que por lo tanto hay cosas que son hembra, otras son macho y otras neutro. En holandés, hay dos tipos de objetos, dependiendo del artículo que se use. Los objetos pueden ser objetos 'de' o 'het' (het se llama neutro), y dependiendo de esto se arma la conjugación en algunas oraciones. Por ejemplo, de tafel (la mesa), het boek (el libro). Decidir si es un objeto 'de' o 'het' se tiene que aprender de memoria. Y para volvernos locos: por ejemplo, en alemán el sol es una mujer, la luna es un hombre, mientras que en castellano es al revés...
Y para terminar esta serie de hilos de este estilo, estudiemos el sonido de los animales. Los animales hacen ruidos de diferente maneras en diferentes idiomas. Por ejemplo, gente hispanoparlante dirá que un perro dice 'guau', mientras que un turco dirá que los perros hacen 'cof'. Y sobre las vacas, le pregunté a mucha gente. Todos me dicen que las vacas hacen 'muuu' mientras que los holandeses dicen que las vacas dicen 'buuu'. Y sin sorpresas, los fantasmas en el primer grupo dicen 'buuu' mientras que los fantasmas holandeses se dicen 'muuu'... Y como ilustración dejo este poster de una asociación de defensa de los animales que encontré en Ámsterdam. Dice esto "Quiero ser libre dijo la vaca, pero lo único que escuchamos fue buuu" (oe en holandés se pronuncia u)
Since I came here I started being in touch with many people, all of very different cultures, customs and, of course, languages. I like to see the differences and similarities among languages, specially when they are geographically related. So, this post will try to give an overview of some curiosities regarding this.
The basic, of course is the name and pronunciation of the letter A. As far as I can see, in all languages but English it is pronounced and named as /a/, not /ei/ as it is in English. This is just an indication of how difficult the pronunciation in English is. Even in Persian, the pronunciation of the main vowel is /a/.
Another very specific feature of each language is the assignation of genre to the things. In English is kind of easy, everything that is an object is considered something asexual, and there is where the pronoun 'it' and the article 'the' are used. Sometimes, they have a different noun for a male or female animal, like rooster and chicken, bull and cow for example, but the pronoun by default is 'it'. In some others, like Spanish and all Roman languages everything is either male or female. The difficulty in this is to find out what the genre of something is which in general has to be learned by hard. In some other languages like German or Russian, however, there are a third genre, called neutral. Therefore there are things that are male, female or neutral. In Dutch, there are two different kind of objects, depending on the article they use. They can be 'de'-objects or 'het'-objects (het is called neutral), and depending on this, you have to make a correct conjugation in a sentence. For example, de tafel (the table), or het boek (the book). Whether something is a 'de' or a 'het' has to be learned by hard. And we can make us crazy: in German the sun is a she, the moon a he, while in Spanish is in the other way around...
And just to finish this first post of a series of this style, let's go to the sound of animals. Among different languages the animals are listened differently. For example, for Spanish people, a dog says 'guau', but for a Turkish it says 'cof'. I asked many people about the cows: almost everybody replied to me with a 'mooh', whereas in Dutch they say 'booh'. No surprisingly, for a Dutch person, a ghost would tell you 'mooh' whereas in any other country a ghost would say 'booh'... I leave as an illustration this poster (see above) I found somewhere in Amsterdam of an association for animal rights. It says, "I want to be free, said the cow, but we hear nothing more than booh" (oe sounds like oo in boom)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
A 'relative' week = Una semana familiar
Last week, Encarni, Alex, Rosa and Rafa came to visit Holland. They stayed at home of course, and during the day traveled through the surroundings. Namely, day 1, Eindhoven; day 2, Amsterdam; day 3, The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam; day 4, Antwerp (see picture below), Brussels and Brugges; day 5, Maastricht, Drielandenpunt, and Aachen. Besides that, we went on Thursday night at the city center, on Friday evening to follow the lichtjesroute, and because we (specially them) were so tired skipped pubbing on Friday night. Finally, they went back on Saturday morning, and it was really a pity that for some reasons they couldn't stay on Saturday and Sunday.
I enjoyed a lot, so did they. For me was a sort of routine breaker, as I had a very busy week work-wise. But in the evenings, we spent very nice moments. Thanks a lot for your good humor sense, and if I couldn't give you more, it is because it was out of my possibilities. Thanks a again, and I hope to see you again and enjoy ourselves again. I'm content!!!
La semana pasada, Encarni, Alex, Rosa y Rafa vinieron a visitar Holanda. Estuvieron parando en casa por supuesto, y durante el día viajaron a través de los alrededores. Es decir, día 1, Eindhoven; día 2, Ámsterdam; día 3, La Haya, Delft, y Rotterdam; día 4, Amberes (ver foto arriba), Bruselas y Brujas; día 5, Maastricht, Drielandenpunt y Aquisgrán(1). Además de esto, fuimos juntos a la noche del jueves por la noche en el centro de Eindhoven, el viernes a la tarde/noche a seguir la lichtesroute, y por porque nuestros cuerpos (especialmente los de ellos) no daban más, no fuimos de bares el viernes a la noche. Finalmente, se volvieron a España el sábado por la mañana, y fue una verdadera pena que por diversos motivos no pudieron quedarse ese sábado y domingo.
Yo la pasé muy bien, lo mismo ellos. Y para mí fue una especie de rompedor de rutinas, porque tuve una semana muy complicada y ocupada en el trabajo. Pero en las noches, la pasamos muy bien. Muchas gracias por su buen sentido del humor, y si no les pude dar más es porque no pude. Gracias de nuevo, y espero verlos pronto y que la pasemos bien de nuevo. ¡¡Estoy contento!!
(1) Esta ciudad se llama Aachen en alemán e inglés (creo). Aken en holandés y Aquisgrán en español, y Aix-la-Chapelle en francés... un día de estos pongo un post al respecto...
I enjoyed a lot, so did they. For me was a sort of routine breaker, as I had a very busy week work-wise. But in the evenings, we spent very nice moments. Thanks a lot for your good humor sense, and if I couldn't give you more, it is because it was out of my possibilities. Thanks a again, and I hope to see you again and enjoy ourselves again. I'm content!!!
La semana pasada, Encarni, Alex, Rosa y Rafa vinieron a visitar Holanda. Estuvieron parando en casa por supuesto, y durante el día viajaron a través de los alrededores. Es decir, día 1, Eindhoven; día 2, Ámsterdam; día 3, La Haya, Delft, y Rotterdam; día 4, Amberes (ver foto arriba), Bruselas y Brujas; día 5, Maastricht, Drielandenpunt y Aquisgrán(1). Además de esto, fuimos juntos a la noche del jueves por la noche en el centro de Eindhoven, el viernes a la tarde/noche a seguir la lichtesroute, y por porque nuestros cuerpos (especialmente los de ellos) no daban más, no fuimos de bares el viernes a la noche. Finalmente, se volvieron a España el sábado por la mañana, y fue una verdadera pena que por diversos motivos no pudieron quedarse ese sábado y domingo.
Yo la pasé muy bien, lo mismo ellos. Y para mí fue una especie de rompedor de rutinas, porque tuve una semana muy complicada y ocupada en el trabajo. Pero en las noches, la pasamos muy bien. Muchas gracias por su buen sentido del humor, y si no les pude dar más es porque no pude. Gracias de nuevo, y espero verlos pronto y que la pasemos bien de nuevo. ¡¡Estoy contento!!
(1) Esta ciudad se llama Aachen en alemán e inglés (creo). Aken en holandés y Aquisgrán en español, y Aix-la-Chapelle en francés... un día de estos pongo un post al respecto...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
The busy month
As I anticipated, these weeks have been very busy for me. What I can tell is that the Dutch course is on the way, getting struggled with the synopsis of the language, but going on. Also, my bathroom at home was reformed, with three pictures are the before, during and after construction.
Personally, I didn't enjoy at all this two weeks: my provisional bathroom was at the first floor of my building (I live at the fifth), and I had to share with I don't know who besides the guys working on the construction. My complaints about that were in vain, nobody from the housing company care about the not so nice situation I lived... but in any case they reacted and gave me a very practical solution:
Of course, I didn't use this, and note this is just at my kitchen and living room...
But not all are bad news! I got a visit last weekend. Carolina, a friend from Colombia I met in Chile who now is doing her PhD in Bonn. We just went out Friday night where we danced a lot! On Saturday time for a walk in Amsterdam, and on Sunday, just a relaxing bike tour around Eindhoven. I know she didn't enjoy much this tour, as she is not used to bike, and specially she is not used to bike 30km at once! I hope she overall liked her visit down here. This self-portrait was taken at the Dam Square in Amsterdam.
And this weekend it is time to tidy up things at home, while also helping some friends to move. And as if these were not enough, yesterday I went on biking tour of the 'lichtjesroute' (lights route) which I'm planning to repeat by car with my cousins from Spain who will visit me next week. I exhausted, that's why I'm lazy and owe the translation to Spanish :)
Update (29/09): Carolina sent me an album with her pictures.
Personally, I didn't enjoy at all this two weeks: my provisional bathroom was at the first floor of my building (I live at the fifth), and I had to share with I don't know who besides the guys working on the construction. My complaints about that were in vain, nobody from the housing company care about the not so nice situation I lived... but in any case they reacted and gave me a very practical solution:
Of course, I didn't use this, and note this is just at my kitchen and living room...
But not all are bad news! I got a visit last weekend. Carolina, a friend from Colombia I met in Chile who now is doing her PhD in Bonn. We just went out Friday night where we danced a lot! On Saturday time for a walk in Amsterdam, and on Sunday, just a relaxing bike tour around Eindhoven. I know she didn't enjoy much this tour, as she is not used to bike, and specially she is not used to bike 30km at once! I hope she overall liked her visit down here. This self-portrait was taken at the Dam Square in Amsterdam.
And this weekend it is time to tidy up things at home, while also helping some friends to move. And as if these were not enough, yesterday I went on biking tour of the 'lichtjesroute' (lights route) which I'm planning to repeat by car with my cousins from Spain who will visit me next week. I exhausted, that's why I'm lazy and owe the translation to Spanish :)
Update (29/09): Carolina sent me an album with her pictures.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
A sweeter life
Today I was reading one expat's newspaper from The Netherlands and after a long time I felt identified a lot with one report. Before reading it, let me tell you that some time ago I started adding something sweet to my dinners (as a dessert or a fruit) thing that in general I didn't use to do so often. I also have been buying lots of candies and have them all the day long.
What is special with this, read the report:
Dutch seek consolation in sweets
AMSTERDAM - To make them forget the rainy weather this summer the Dutch en masse sought consolation in sweets. Figures published by marketing research agency AC Nielsen showed that more sweets, chocolate and biscuits had been sold this summer than usual. The agency confirmed this in the daily nrc.next.
Sales figures of small and large bars of chocolate rose by 14 percent while those of chocolate sweets went up by 11 percent. The total turnover of chocolate increased by 10 percent to EUR 73.5 million.
Biscuits were very popular with Dutch consumers (up 10 percent). Liquorice too was favourite in rainy Holland and saw a rise of 4 percent.
Click here!
A spokesperson for AC Nielsen said that the weather always has an influence on eating and drinking patterns of people. Last year when we had a hot summer the sales figures of lemonade, beer and ice creams were higher than usual.
Source: http://www.expatica.com/actual/article.asp?subchannel_id=1&story_id=43666
LOL, how weather affects our behavior... And something to eat more sweets: according to the Dutch Meteorological Center, this summer has been warmer than the average records... In summary: a very depressing, forgettable summer...
What is special with this, read the report:
Dutch seek consolation in sweets
AMSTERDAM - To make them forget the rainy weather this summer the Dutch en masse sought consolation in sweets. Figures published by marketing research agency AC Nielsen showed that more sweets, chocolate and biscuits had been sold this summer than usual. The agency confirmed this in the daily nrc.next.
Sales figures of small and large bars of chocolate rose by 14 percent while those of chocolate sweets went up by 11 percent. The total turnover of chocolate increased by 10 percent to EUR 73.5 million.
Biscuits were very popular with Dutch consumers (up 10 percent). Liquorice too was favourite in rainy Holland and saw a rise of 4 percent.
Click here!
A spokesperson for AC Nielsen said that the weather always has an influence on eating and drinking patterns of people. Last year when we had a hot summer the sales figures of lemonade, beer and ice creams were higher than usual.
Source: http://www.expatica.com/actual/article.asp?subchannel_id=1&story_id=43666
LOL, how weather affects our behavior... And something to eat more sweets: according to the Dutch Meteorological Center, this summer has been warmer than the average records... In summary: a very depressing, forgettable summer...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Una agenda apretada = A busy agenda
¡La hora de trabajar ha llegado! :) en realidad, voy a tener más actividades que las usuales tareas de investigación. De hecho esta semana ya empecé a dar clases: la asignatura es matemáticas básicas (algo como Análisis I para los de la UNSa), y por supuesto que lo tengo que ahcer en inglés aunque tengo que responder las preguntas en holandés de mis estudiantes que a veces entiendo. El curso durará un mes, los contenidos son bastantes densos, pero veremos cómo nos va.
La segunda actividad tiene que ver con el inicio de mi curso de holandés: luego de más de un año y medio creo que me siento lo suficientemente seguro como para comenzar a jugar con el idioma local. En general, puedo entender a un muy alto nivel de lo que tratan que las conversaciones o los textos escritos. Por supuesto que ni confío en mí en la mayoría de los casos, especialmente cuando se trata de cartas importantes. Pero en general me doy maña para entender. ¿Hablar? Ni una palabra, dificilmente puedo decir goedemorgen (buenos días) o doei (como el chau nuestro). Aunque hoy aprendí que un tasje es una bolsa de plástico :) No es un idioma fácil y no es fácil de aprender cuando la gente cambia a inglés ni bien sospecha de tu acento o cuando estás sudando porque no podés decir ni una palabra... Vamos a ver cómo va. En lo personal, voy a experimentar el aprender un idioma mientras vivo en el país en el que se habla. De más está decir que va a ser una forma muy importante de sentirme más de este país...
Y bueno, esos son los nuevos eventos en mi agenda que van a tenerme un poco más ocupados que lo normal }:)
Actualización (08/09): Los invito a leer los comentarios de este post, se hacen varias reflexiones interesantes...
Time to work has arrived :) Actually, now I'll have more activities to do than my usual research tasks. I already stated teaching: the subject is basic mathematics (mainly concentrated in calculus), and of course I must do it in English although I have to deal with some questions in Dutch which sometimes I understand. It will last one month this course, the contents are quite dense, but we'll see how it is going on. The second main activity will be that I'll start studying the Dutch language: after more than 1,5 years I think I feel confident enough to start playing with the local language. In general, I can understand at the very high level what a conversation in Dutch is about, the same for a written text. Of course, I cannot trust myself in most of cases, specially with letters I got, but in general I can manage to understand. Talking? Any word yet, I hardly can say goedemorgen (good morning) and doei (Brabants word for bye). Although today I learned that tasje is a plastic bag :) It is not an easy language and it is not easy to learn as many people just switch to English when they detect on you some accent or that you're being struggled to speak... We will see how this goes. Personally, I will experience learning a language while leaving in the country where it is spoken. It is not necessary to mention that will be an opportunity to have a belonging feeling to this country...
And that are essentially my new items in my agenda which will really make me more busy than usual }:)
Update (08/09): There has been an interesting discussion on the comments. Unfortunately, they are in Spanish, but I'll post a spare thread on that matter soon.
La segunda actividad tiene que ver con el inicio de mi curso de holandés: luego de más de un año y medio creo que me siento lo suficientemente seguro como para comenzar a jugar con el idioma local. En general, puedo entender a un muy alto nivel de lo que tratan que las conversaciones o los textos escritos. Por supuesto que ni confío en mí en la mayoría de los casos, especialmente cuando se trata de cartas importantes. Pero en general me doy maña para entender. ¿Hablar? Ni una palabra, dificilmente puedo decir goedemorgen (buenos días) o doei (como el chau nuestro). Aunque hoy aprendí que un tasje es una bolsa de plástico :) No es un idioma fácil y no es fácil de aprender cuando la gente cambia a inglés ni bien sospecha de tu acento o cuando estás sudando porque no podés decir ni una palabra... Vamos a ver cómo va. En lo personal, voy a experimentar el aprender un idioma mientras vivo en el país en el que se habla. De más está decir que va a ser una forma muy importante de sentirme más de este país...
Y bueno, esos son los nuevos eventos en mi agenda que van a tenerme un poco más ocupados que lo normal }:)
Actualización (08/09): Los invito a leer los comentarios de este post, se hacen varias reflexiones interesantes...
Time to work has arrived :) Actually, now I'll have more activities to do than my usual research tasks. I already stated teaching: the subject is basic mathematics (mainly concentrated in calculus), and of course I must do it in English although I have to deal with some questions in Dutch which sometimes I understand. It will last one month this course, the contents are quite dense, but we'll see how it is going on. The second main activity will be that I'll start studying the Dutch language: after more than 1,5 years I think I feel confident enough to start playing with the local language. In general, I can understand at the very high level what a conversation in Dutch is about, the same for a written text. Of course, I cannot trust myself in most of cases, specially with letters I got, but in general I can manage to understand. Talking? Any word yet, I hardly can say goedemorgen (good morning) and doei (Brabants word for bye). Although today I learned that tasje is a plastic bag :) It is not an easy language and it is not easy to learn as many people just switch to English when they detect on you some accent or that you're being struggled to speak... We will see how this goes. Personally, I will experience learning a language while leaving in the country where it is spoken. It is not necessary to mention that will be an opportunity to have a belonging feeling to this country...
And that are essentially my new items in my agenda which will really make me more busy than usual }:)
Update (08/09): There has been an interesting discussion on the comments. Unfortunately, they are in Spanish, but I'll post a spare thread on that matter soon.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Salta-Cafayate Summer Challenge 2008
Since a time ago I have become a bit more active in my bike: I do mountain bike at least twice a week and during the last three weekends, together with some friends, we went to cycle around, doing on average 60km. Since I came back from Argentina last January I cycled about 1200km...
The day after of one of this trips I was on the chat with Gonzalo and talking him about this, he commented on many people doing the way between Salta and Cafayate by bike, and at that moment the temptation was immediate.
De un tiempo a esta parte me volví más activo con mi bicicleta: hago al menos dos veces a la semana algo de mountain bike, y en lo últimos tres fines de semana he salido a dar unas vueltas paseando algunos amigos en nuestras bicicletas, haciendo un promedio de unos 60km cada vez. Desde que volví de Argentina mi bicicleta acumuló unos 1200km...
Al día siguiente de uno de estos recorridos, estaba en el chat con el Pescau y comentándole esto, me tiró el comentario de gente que se va desde la ciudad de Salta a Cafayate en bicicleta, y en ese momento la tentación fue inmediata.
Besides, he sent me some images from Google Earth which more or less depict the path to follow (in the pictures the north is at the bottom):
Me mando algunas imágenes bajadas del Google Earth, que más o menos depictan el recorrido que se debe seguir (en la imágenes, el norte está abajo):
It is about 183km, leaving from Salta city at 1182masl and arriving to Cafayate in the hearth of the Valles Calchaquíes at 1685masl. The track o relief is more or less flat, there are ups and downs all the way in the path (as fas as I remember from my trip by car).
As you'd be imagining, my idea is to do it by bike. I don't know what you think about it, there is enough time for training and prepare to make an attempt. According to my newbie experience, going to a pace of 25km/h is doable, what implies that the entire trip can be made in 10 hours, including stops for resting and having some liquid. Of course, the way back will be by four wheels :P Also, a assistance team can be formed which can meet us in the middle of the route to see if we still are alive...
Obviously, I won't do this alone, but if someone of you joins me, why don't start to plan it from now on, what do you think? And feel free to distribute this announcement and find people to join us. If you've never met us, also feel free to contact us here. Suggestions are very welcome as well!
Update (08/09): It seems I'm not the only one who is crazy: In this report some guys are planning to do the route Salta-Cachi, around 157km but the altitude difference is incredible: Salta is at 1182masl, half way, Piedra del Molino is located at 3690masl and Cachi itself is at 2300masl. So, I'm not that crazy... moreover they title this as a spare time activity... BTW, here is the link http://www.nuevodiariodesalta.com.ar/diario/noticias_v.asp?7719
Son unos 183km, partiendo de la ciudad de Salta a 1182msnm y llegando a Cafayate en el corazón de los valles Calchaquíes a 1695msnm. El terreno, o relieve es más o menos chato, hay subidas y bajadas en general en todo el camino (por lo que recuerdo de hacer el recorrido en auto).
Y como ya se lo están imaginando, la idea es hacerlo en bicicleta. No sé qué les parece, hay tiempo para entrenarse un poquito, y hacer el intento. Por mi muy novata experiencia, a un ritmo de 25km/h promedio se puede hacer, lo que incluyendo paradas de descanso y todo, puede llevar a lo sumo 10 horas. Hay que llevar mucho líquido, y de más estar decir que la vuelta es en cuatro ruedas :P De todos modos también se puede armar un equipo técnico, que nos podría alcanzar en la mitad del camino para ver si todavía estamos vivos.
Yo obviamente solo no lo hago, pero si alguien de ustedes se anima, por qué no empezar a diagramarlo desde ya, ¿qué les parece? Y sientanse libres de difundir este anuncio y buscar gente que se nos una. Y si ni nos conocés, también no dudés en contactarnos aquí. Sugerencias, ¡también son bienvenidas!
Actualización (08/09): Parece que no estoy taaan loco, o no soy el único por lo menos: En esta nota unos chavones están pensando en hacer la ruta Salta-Cachi, cerca de 157km pero la diferencia de altitud es increíble: Salta está a 1182msnm, a mitad del camino, en Piedra del Molino se está a 3690msnm y Cachi mismo está a 2300msnm. Así que no estoy tan loco... además ellos titulan esta actividad como algo recreativo... Les dejo el vínculo http://www.nuevodiariodesalta.com.ar/diario/noticias_v.asp?7719
The day after of one of this trips I was on the chat with Gonzalo and talking him about this, he commented on many people doing the way between Salta and Cafayate by bike, and at that moment the temptation was immediate.
De un tiempo a esta parte me volví más activo con mi bicicleta: hago al menos dos veces a la semana algo de mountain bike, y en lo últimos tres fines de semana he salido a dar unas vueltas paseando algunos amigos en nuestras bicicletas, haciendo un promedio de unos 60km cada vez. Desde que volví de Argentina mi bicicleta acumuló unos 1200km...
Al día siguiente de uno de estos recorridos, estaba en el chat con el Pescau y comentándole esto, me tiró el comentario de gente que se va desde la ciudad de Salta a Cafayate en bicicleta, y en ese momento la tentación fue inmediata.
Besides, he sent me some images from Google Earth which more or less depict the path to follow (in the pictures the north is at the bottom):
Me mando algunas imágenes bajadas del Google Earth, que más o menos depictan el recorrido que se debe seguir (en la imágenes, el norte está abajo):
It is about 183km, leaving from Salta city at 1182masl and arriving to Cafayate in the hearth of the Valles Calchaquíes at 1685masl. The track o relief is more or less flat, there are ups and downs all the way in the path (as fas as I remember from my trip by car).
As you'd be imagining, my idea is to do it by bike. I don't know what you think about it, there is enough time for training and prepare to make an attempt. According to my newbie experience, going to a pace of 25km/h is doable, what implies that the entire trip can be made in 10 hours, including stops for resting and having some liquid. Of course, the way back will be by four wheels :P Also, a assistance team can be formed which can meet us in the middle of the route to see if we still are alive...
Obviously, I won't do this alone, but if someone of you joins me, why don't start to plan it from now on, what do you think? And feel free to distribute this announcement and find people to join us. If you've never met us, also feel free to contact us here. Suggestions are very welcome as well!
Update (08/09): It seems I'm not the only one who is crazy: In this report some guys are planning to do the route Salta-Cachi, around 157km but the altitude difference is incredible: Salta is at 1182masl, half way, Piedra del Molino is located at 3690masl and Cachi itself is at 2300masl. So, I'm not that crazy... moreover they title this as a spare time activity... BTW, here is the link http://www.nuevodiariodesalta.com.ar/diario/noticias_v.asp?7719
Son unos 183km, partiendo de la ciudad de Salta a 1182msnm y llegando a Cafayate en el corazón de los valles Calchaquíes a 1695msnm. El terreno, o relieve es más o menos chato, hay subidas y bajadas en general en todo el camino (por lo que recuerdo de hacer el recorrido en auto).
Y como ya se lo están imaginando, la idea es hacerlo en bicicleta. No sé qué les parece, hay tiempo para entrenarse un poquito, y hacer el intento. Por mi muy novata experiencia, a un ritmo de 25km/h promedio se puede hacer, lo que incluyendo paradas de descanso y todo, puede llevar a lo sumo 10 horas. Hay que llevar mucho líquido, y de más estar decir que la vuelta es en cuatro ruedas :P De todos modos también se puede armar un equipo técnico, que nos podría alcanzar en la mitad del camino para ver si todavía estamos vivos.
Yo obviamente solo no lo hago, pero si alguien de ustedes se anima, por qué no empezar a diagramarlo desde ya, ¿qué les parece? Y sientanse libres de difundir este anuncio y buscar gente que se nos una. Y si ni nos conocés, también no dudés en contactarnos aquí. Sugerencias, ¡también son bienvenidas!
Actualización (08/09): Parece que no estoy taaan loco, o no soy el único por lo menos: En esta nota unos chavones están pensando en hacer la ruta Salta-Cachi, cerca de 157km pero la diferencia de altitud es increíble: Salta está a 1182msnm, a mitad del camino, en Piedra del Molino se está a 3690msnm y Cachi mismo está a 2300msnm. Así que no estoy tan loco... además ellos titulan esta actividad como algo recreativo... Les dejo el vínculo http://www.nuevodiariodesalta.com.ar/diario/noticias_v.asp?7719
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