Monday, October 19, 2009

Careful planning is boring

This is was the comment on the update done by a developer of the time zone data for my operating system. This is regarding the no-DST (daylight saving time) decided 48 hours before it was going to take place...

In my opinion as you may know from several of my posts, using DST in summer is very attractive, since days seem longer and one can enjoy more, specially during holidays. And there is an effective saving in electricity, not more than 2% (just do the math for a second, you cannot expect more), but it is something.

The opposition is based in mainly two points:

* "Argentina is already using DST all-year long". If you look at the time zone maps, it is true, compared to the rest of the region. This is something subjective. Looking at the very same map you'll find lots of countries with the same "inconsistent" policy (e.g., Spain, France, some portions of Russia). In the end, it each country decides what is best and sets in stone. For those using this excuse, DST should be undone in winter time. Just think for a second, at 5:30pm will be dark.

* "The human organism gets harmed because of the shocking change of ONE hour! Moreover, it is not acceptable to have long evening, getting dark at 11pm!" (they even use some irreproducible names for some biological cycles that I've never heard before). This is bullsh*t. Europe, USA, Mexico, and even Brazil use DST and as far as I know, people don't get some sort of mental shortage because of the time change. It's true, you feel weird for a few days, but after you get used to it that's it! You have to do things according to the clock, not just regretting the change of time.

Anyways, as I said, any country is free to decide upon the time zone, DST and all this. It'd be nice that at least in certain things we are consistent. It is not only about moving the time or not. Computer systems, airlines, all the world around us is expecting to have a logical policy in this kind of stuff, there shouldn't be much fuzz about.

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